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Map locations will be

Plentywood-Town Square
Medicine Lake-Honker Pit
Froid- TBA
Culbertson- Sin
clair Gas Station 




Thank to everyone who have participated  in this a great event.  We have included pdfs of the registration and maps can be printed out easily.  The maps will be available online.Late Wednesday evening before the sale.  We will do updates and answer questions through our FACEBOOK page NE MT Treasure Trail. You may also contact us by email or by text or call Diane 406-765-7337,  Rhonda 406-480-7863, Donna Tompt , Elaine Jasper 701-787-5913.


Dear Participants:

NE MT Treasure Trail kicked Off!!  It was been a huge success! We had buyers from Bozeman, Billings, Glasgow, Wolf Point, Fairview, Sidney, Glendive, Scobey, Peerless, Westby, Trenton, Williston, Crosby, Fortuna, Minot, etc. We are looking forward to another great year.  We hope this becomes a long-lasting tradition. By gathering our resources, we can attract more buyers.

We are asking everyone to pay a $20.00 fee to be listed on the map list. The maps will be available in the towns as well as on the internet. We have over 1300 followers just from last year on our Facebook page. You ask where this money goes to, it is not to the organizers we are all volunteers.  It all goes back into advertising and promoting this event. We advertise statewide in Montana, North Dakota and Canada. We advertise on radio stations, TV community notes, posters, post cards, Facebook, newspapers, emails, and banners.  We will also provide Pink balloons for your locations. We have also been investing in some signage each year that can be reused also. You can share our posts from social media to help promote it also. 

We will advertise hours 9am-4am both days. You are welcome to have different hours but let us know on the application and we will post it.  If you do not have a detailed list of items right now that is ok. You can give it to us later. All registration will be online or mailed to NE MT Treasure Trail PO Box 164, Antelope, MT 59211. We will also be listing your name on the listing as it helps in the smaller towns to find your location.  If you do not want your name listed, please check the box on the form.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get rid of those unwanted items!! For More information or help finding a place to set up you can email or call one of us:


Diane Spoklie 406-765-7337

Donna  Tompt 406-963-7008

Rhonda Parks 406-480-7863

Elaine Jasper 406-787-5719


Be sure to like our facebook page for updates: NE MT Treasure trail





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